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Sophie the Giraffe | Diaper Warmer | Baby Ergo | Bottle warmer
Sanitizer | Snugabunny Baby Bouncer | Boppy | Hyland’s Teething Tablets
A Running Stroller | Bottle drying Rack
I realized recently that I have a few great friends that are all pregnant right now and while I am anxiously anticipating all these babies to come into this world, I thought it might be useful to make a list of essential items that I personally found extremely useful (for them and all you other expectant or someday expectant mommies). Of course the “essentials” consist of diapers, clothing, crib etc. But this list includes the items that I have notably stopped to be thankful for the fact they were purchased and here are the reasons why…
1.) Sophie the Giraffe-Yes, it’s really as great as everyone says. It’s great for teething, it squeaks and it could not be cuter. It’s made of 100% natural rubber and is BPA and phthalate-free.
2.) The Diaper Warmer-Now this item poses as a luxury for your little one, but trust me, at 2 in the morning, when your child is already pretty upset and doesn’t want their diaper changed, the warm wipes are less of a shock to a system and make the late night changing much easier.
3.) The baby carrier-There are two main players here, the Bjorn and the Baby Ergo. We have the Ergo and love it. Ergobaby Carriers are comfortable for parents, ergonomic for baby, offer multiple carry positions and allow you to carry your baby from day 1. (Just make sure you get the infant insert!)
4.) The bottle warmer-If you aren’t breast feeding and you are needing to warm up formula, this is a no-brainer. The microwave is a no-no, due to the breakdown of nutrients as well as the threat of heat not dispersing evenly throughout the formula. Unless you want to boil water in a pot every time, I suggest the warmer. Turn the nob and walk away, a few minutes later it’s done.
5.) The Advent Sanitizer-With a baby you will want to sanitize nearly everything, this is a great sanitizer that you can throw bottles, pacifiers and toys in for years to come. It’s roomy enough to get a fair share of items in one round, it’s durable and inexpensive.
6.) A baby chair (or swing)-You’ll want one or the other. Sometimes it’s hard to guess which one your child will prefer. We had the bouncy chair pictured and honestly the first few months of Oliver’s life that is the only place he would sleep. So I slept on the couch right next to him and he snoozed in his chair (thank you to my sister Katie for getting it for us-it was a lifesaver!)
7.) The Boppy-This is great for breast-feeding, but also for sleeping. We would place a blanket over the boppy and it would allow for a nice hammock like bed that was also a replacement for the crib before he would sleep on his own for long periods of time.
8.) Hylands everything!-I love this brand! They make everything from teething tablets to cough syrup and it’s all homeopathic. Their teething tablets have rocked the charts by being the #1 infant oral pain reliever in America! We shy away from giving Oliver medicine unless absolutely necessary so this makes me feel like we can relieve his pain in a natural way.
9.) A running stroller-There are many versions out there. We have a BOB and have be really happy with it. It’s easy to dismantle and takes a flick of the wrist to open. It’s lightweight and good for almost all terrain. Getting to the gym takes a lot more effort with a little one and so being able to run with Oliver has not only been a fun bonding experience, but allows me to get my exercise in…and sometimes it’s the only resort to getting in some activity. The BOB also has a feature where we could also attach his Britax car seat, which made it convenient for snapping him in and out when he was an infant. They also have a very high resale value.
10.) A bottle drying rack-This is something that I didn’t realize was a savior until recently. We do bottles in batches so it seemed a waste to need a drying rack. But being a little OCD, it really bothered me to have empty/used bottles laying around. With the drying rack I can immediately wash them and set them aside for sanitizing when I have a block of time. This green grass drying rack is cute for your kitchen too. ;)